Monday, August 7, 2023

Dressed to Impress . . . for Challenge YOUrself!

 Hi everyone.  It's August 7th and time for a new challenge at Challenge YOUrself!

Challenge YOUrself #116 opened today:

The theme for this month's challenge is "Dressed to Impress!"  For example, you can scrap about being dressed up for a special occasion, about how you dress for work for a job interview, anything that is special or meaningful to you!  You can interpret the theme any way you like!  Just remember to include a photo with YOU in the frame somewhere on your page.

Here is the page that I created for the challenge:

Last year, my sister, Patty, had a Halloween party and John & I dressed up as Darrin and Samantha Stephens from the TV show Bewitched.  I wore a blond wig and a black witches costume that I put together from things I had a home and I purchased a new witches hat.  John wore a sweatshirt that had McMahon & Tate Advertising, where Darrin Stephens worked!  I'd say that we were dressed to impress!!!  LOL!  I made a Halloween themed layout to go along with the photo.

I hope you get a chance to check out Challenge YOUrself this month and play along with us!

And thank you so much for stopping by my blog today! 


  1. Wonderful page, as always. Have a great, new week, hugs, Valerie

  2. What a fun couples costume! I recently posed with Samantha:

  3. This is a great page. I love the Halloween theme and marvelous photo!


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