Friday, October 7, 2022

Spooky . . . for Challenge YOUrself!

Hi everyone. It's October 7th and time for a new challenge at Challenge YOUrself!

This month's challenge is a sketch challenge!

We'd like you to use this PageMaps sketch as the basis for your pages:

It doesn't have to be a Halloween theme - you can make your page about anything you like.  Remember to include a photo with YOU in the frame!

Here is my completed page:

This month, I followed the sketch pretty closely!  And I used photos taken at my sister's Halloween party last year.  That party was sooooo much fun!! 
Here's a different view:

I hope you get a chance to check out Challenge YOUrself this month. Making this page was a blast, and I know you will enjoy it, too!

And thank YOU for stopping by my blog today.  Enjoy your October! 

1 comment:

  1. This layout is great! I love the Halloween theme and photos! Absolutely wonderful!!!


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