Thursday, January 7, 2021

My Favorite Memory of 2020 . . . for Challenge YOUrself!

Hi everyone.  Today I am sharing my layout made for this month's theme at Challenge YOUrself:

Here is their first challenge of 2021:

Long before my mom became sick, those of us at Challenge YOUrself decided to make our first challenge of 2021 about a favorite memory of 2020.  Little did I know that my mom would become ill and pass away on December 30, 2020. Back in November, I made my layout about visiting my mom at her nursing home, which had been closed to all visitors for many months due to the pandemic. (She had dementia.)  My sisters and I were overjoyed to be able to see my mom and had a wonderful visit with her in the beginning of November.  Here is the photo that was taken that day:

And here's my completed page:

I used the Cocoa Vanilla Studio Daydream collection.

Here are some close-ups:

I hope you all get a chance to create a scrapbook page about your favorite memory of 2020!  We would LOVE to see your entries here.

Thank you so very much for stopping by my blog today.  And thank you so much for your wonderful words of sympathy and encouragement regarding my mom's passing.  They mean so much!

Hugs to you all.


  1. Hi Sharon, I hope you are doing ok.. I can see why this photo would be a really favourite memory for you.. what a year 2020 was.. the masks will also be remembered too.. a really beautiful layout, love the soft colors and the cute little banner too.. take care..

  2. Hello Sharon. I'm so sorry to hear about your mother and it was good that you all got to visit her. I love how you often make your layouts about yourself and your family and create these beautiful memories to look back on.
    I agree with Lizzyc above, the colours are soft and subtle and the banner is very pretty.

  3. Beautiful page! I'm so glad you were able to visit in November.

  4. Just beautiful as always, Sheer! It was a tough year for anyone with a loved one in a facility. A lovely memory and a special remembrance. Love it!

  5. so gorgeous LO , i loved the details
    congrats , hugs from Chile

  6. Beautiful and meaningful layout. Simply the best.


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