Friday, January 7, 2022

We Worked Together . . . for Challenge YOUrself and AJJ Monthly!

Hi everyone. Welcome 2022 and a new Challenge YOUrself challenge!

This month's theme is about working together:

I had a lot of fun making this layout!  I loved making this mixed media page about my nurse coworkers!

Here is my completed page:

I used the Cocoa Vanilla Studio's Joyful collection that I purchased from "My Little Scrapbook Store." This is a Christmas collection, but I made it a non-holiday theme!  I wanted to document my retirement by remembering my coworkers and how wonderfully we always worked together as a team. 

I used 2 black and white photos of me and my fellow nurses taken on my last day of work before I retired.  Here's one of them:

And sharing some different views of my project:

I hope you get a chance to check out Challenge YOUrself this month. If you head over to their blog, you can see all of the design team inspiration!

I am also linking my project up to Art Journal Journey, Monthly.

This month's theme is hosted by Erika at BioArtGal and is entitled Lets Face It.  
Erika said the following:  "This month you should use a face on your journal page. It could be a human face, an animal face, or a face on something that doesn't usually have one like smiling flowers or a mustached mushroom. It might not even be a living thing that has a face. Or perhaps instead of an actual face you have another interpretation of this topic. You can stamp a face, draw a face, use a digital face or cut out a face from something printed. You could also paint a face or stencil a face."

As you can see, my faces on photographs are of me and my 2 nurse co-workers from last year! Thank you, Erika and everyone AJJ.  I am always blown away by the beautiful projects I find there!

And as always, thank you so much for stopping by my blog today.  Happy New Year! HUGS!


  1. Beautiful layout, love the two photos.. precious memories..

  2. This is a gorgeous layout Sharon, and what a fun photo. You look very excited. OF course retirement is an exciting event. I bet it brings back lots of memories to you when you made it. And those faces work perfect for AJJ. Thanks again for joining us. Its much appreciated. Hugs-Erika

  3. LOve your layout, Sharon, and how you used the photos of you and your nursing friends, a lovely memory for you! Happy New year, and thanks for joining us again for Erika's challenge at AJJ. Hugs, Valerie

  4. such a pretty and celebratory layout!

  5. A fantastic memory page and layout. I hope you are enjoying your retirement. Thank you for linking to Erika's theme over at AJJ.

  6. What a wonderful, happy page Sharon! I'm glad you still enjoy getting together with your ex-colleagues.

  7. What a lovely photo and I love the page you made and glad to see that you keep in touch! It's a really great page for Erika's theme at Art Journal Journey. Hugs, Chrisx

  8. Great layout! Nurses are the best. I love that you made a Christmas collection fit a completely different topic.

  9. Beautiful page and a wonderful way to capture all those happy memories! You showcased those photos perfectly 😁. Take care and Happy January! Hugs Jo x

  10. Great layout of co-workers and friends!! I love the colors and the photo!


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