Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Senior Prom!

Katie's senior prom happened last night.  I was able to get a half day off work to help her with nails, makeup and hair. (YAY - thanks Maryrose!!) My sister Karen came along, too . . . I was so happy to have her there! 

And what a day!

Ryan and his family arrived just after we got home from the hair salon.  Ryan looked so handsome in his tux!

Ryan getting his boutonniere:

The corsage he chose for Katie was beautiful!

 Awwwwww - don't they look great?

 This is one of my favorite photos - Anne really loves her big sister:

 Posing for a photo with me and her Aunt Karen:

And their sisters:

And their parents:

Such gorgeous girls(when did they grow to be beauties?):

Handsome men (when did they grow to be so tall?):
Katie's hair looked so pretty:

Awwwwww(again!There were a lot of them last evening!!) My favorite photo of the two of them!

And off they go . . .

I can tell you that more than just a few tears were shed that evening!

Have a great Saturday everyone.  I have to go check on a house full of teenagers - they stayed here last night and are cooking breakfast as we speak . . .

Katie and Ryan each recieved a gift for being chosen to be on Prom Court:



  1. Oh Sharon, how sweet! Your daughter looked gorgeous and her date looked pretty handsome!

  2. Awwwwwwwwww...brings tears to my eyes.. I know I have to do this in just 2 years... *sigh* where does the time go??? I loveeeeeeeee the photos!!! Katie looks BEAUTIFUL!!!

  3. What perfectly SWEET and LOVELY photos!! Katie looked so HAPPY and BEAUTIFUL!

  4. What a special time. Amazing isn't it??? They all look wonderful. :)

  5. Sharon-these are beautiful!! Her dress is gorgeous and what a cute couple they make! I bawled like a baby when the limo (party bus) pulled away with my son so you are definately not alone!

  6. wow!! Beautiful!!!! Katie looks so happy! Prom court--how cool!!!
    thanks for sharing the pix!!1Love, BA

  7. Katie looks BEAUTIFUL! Congrats to her on her special day :) You must be so proud!

  8. What a big moment! I still remember my senior prom so well. Katie looks gorgeous. I love her hair. Great shot of that. The pic of Katie and Ryan is so sweet. I can see why it's your fave. Wonderful pics.

  9. Wasn't it yesterday when they were small?

    Swiftly fly the years.

    Your Katie looks so pretty- thanks for sharing!


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