Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Scrapping the Music Challenge # 187

It's January's edition of movie week at Scrapping the Music, and this time around we are paying tribute to the movie "Good Morning Vietnam." Our song is James Brown's "I Feel Good"!!!
Check out the video at Scrapping the Music and our design teams' awesome creations!

When I saw this week's song, I knew that I had to scrap a photo of my dad. It was his favorite song . . . . . . I remember him singing "I feel good!" and dancing to this all the time.
Doesn't it look like he is doing just that here?

I used my amazing kit from December from Scraps of Darkness to make my layout!

And don't forget - everyone who plays along with us this month is entered in the drawing for our January prize...  You don't have to win to be entered into the drawing for the prize!  The more you play, the more chances you have to win this beautiful journal from Papaya Arts...

Our January Prize

Come on - it's a great week to play! The song is so much fun!


  1. Fabulous! Love the photo and the tribute!

  2. This is gorgeous Sharon! I love the old-world elegance feel of it! The car is super cool - is that a sticker? Thanks for being such an awesome team member!!!

  3. Gorgeous lo Sharon! I loveeeeeeeeeee that photo and the colors are PERFECT! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  4. Awww, what a treasure to own this photo...and your details are great! He sure was a handsome fella :)

  5. I ALWAYS "feel good" when I check out your blog and look at your layouts! Fantastic page Sharon!

  6. that photo of your Dad is amazing...looks so dapper. I love what you did, Sharon, for this week's song...beautiful!

  7. hey! I was gonna say your Dad looks so dapper!

    and your Dad DANCED?! I am so jealous! I wish my Dad danced!

    you've got some more of my fav colors going on here! I like how you used different fonts and colors for the title!

  8. Cool! Your dad looks dashing! :)

  9. Vintage feeling, good idea!
    I like the old car.... and the picture too!

  10. Awesome layout--turned out fabulous and I like the color combo a lot.

  11. Hey I love that new picture on your blog header! Thanks for the visit.

  12. Great pic and gorgeous page...loving the design!


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