Saturday, February 9, 2013

Mixed Emotions - second lesson!

I am loving the "Mixed Emotions" workshop so far, and learning so many new things, in such a short period of time.  Thank you so much, Marit and Michelle!

Our second lesson's emotion is:  Loneliness.  In addition to using this emotion, we were asked to use a photo transfer on our page.  The technique was taught to us in detail by Marit, and I couldn't love it more!  It is such a cool technique to learn . . . . I am so thankful to have taken this class.  Otherwise, I would never have had the "courage" to try it!

Here is my finished project:

In doing my page about loneliness, I wrote about how it felt to move to California right after John and I got married back in 1990.  It was one of the happiest times of my life, but it was also one of the loneliest, too.  I moved so far away from home, left my family and friends and friends behind, and also a job that I loved.  I had to wait a while to get my nursing license in California, so I couldn't work right away.  It was tough, but I got through it and once I got a job, everything fell into place.   . . . and we will be married 23 years on March 3rd!

For my page title, I used one of my favorite songs from the 70's  - an old Carole King song!

And I tried a second page - this time using Mod Podge instead of gel medium for my transfer.  I didn't have to wait near as long as I did with the gel medium.

I wanted to depict how you can feel lonely, even in a big city where you are surrounded by lots of people.

Thanks for stopping by my blog today!  I hope you are all staying warm and dry.  We got about 6 inches of snow, but I hear that New England got a whole lot more!  



  1. I'm glad you're staying warm! : .)

    Sharon, where did you live in Cali?

    These are great colors!!! I like the two panels, good work!!!

  2. Love your mixed media adventures! It's so great to learn new things and enjoy what you're doing. I'm going to try and make more time for art journaling as it's something that I like doing and learning about. Looking forward to seeing more of your pages!

  3. Wow wow wowwwwwwwwww! These are gorgeous!! I am loving the colors!!! Stay warm!!

  4. Oh, that's the Carole King song!

  5. Oh! Love the second page, Sharon! Great mixed media experiments. Perhaps you will use the Mod Podge again since it dried quicker? Thanks for sharing this. Stay warm and dry- we had a big hail storm (unusual for us) which covered cars and streets in white but melted in a blink before I could really get great pics.

  6. Hi Sharon! LOVE your pages, and the photo transfer sounds interesting! I will remember you found Mod Podge easier/quicker to work with for this tecnique, so thanks for the tip if I ever get around to trying it out myself!... As for Carol King's "So Far Away", I remember having to sing that for the school choir one year! (0; Hope you're enjoying your weekend! ~tina

  7. These look GREAT! How fun to learn and try new techniques.


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