Saturday, February 16, 2013


The current lesson at my "Mixed Emotions" art journaling workshop is fear.  This one was an amazing and very therapeutic lesson for me.  It was taught my Marit:  to learn more about her workshops, go here!

For my first page, I decided to make a page about one of my biggest childhood fears!  My parents let my twin sister and I watch the Alfred Hitchcock show and it nearly scared me and my sister to death.  Afterwards, I couldn't even bear to hear the theme music.  I remember it was on TV on Thursday nights, and we would hurry and try to fall asleep before the show came on so we wouldn't have to hear that awful music!  

Warning, my page is pretty graphic!  If you don't like scary images, please don't look!

I also used images from the Alfred Hitchcock movie "Psycho."  My dad let me watch this movie as a pre-teen and I can honestly say that there are times, even to this day, when I feel that inner scary feeling when I take a shower when I am alone in my home.  Isn't it funny what a silly movie can do to you??

My second page about fear was very therapeutic for me to make.  It depicts me:  my shy childhood and how I really worked really hard to get into college and always knew I wanted to be a nurse.  Then after taking one of those personality standardized tests, my college advisor told me that I would never become a nurse because of my quiet personality.  Can you believe it?  Well, I showed him!  I went on to get my nursing degree, (I graduated with honors, too!) get my first job as a nurse working in an intensive care unit, and I have been a nurse for 30 years and counting!!  I can honestly say it wasn't without fear, and took a lot of courage to do,(even to this day) but I did it!!!  To depict the end of fear, I covered up my journaling with paint and burlap bandadges!  

I got the idea to use a silhouette from the very talented Limor Webber.  You can check out her You Tube video here!

 . . . and to this day when that little voice in my head tells me that I can't do something, 
I just tell it "Yes I can."  

I also try to teach to my daughters that they can do anything.  I feel that the best lesson they have learned from me is to always be like The Little Engine That Could and say "I think I can, I think I can . . ." 

Thank you so much for stopping by my blog today and sharing my mixed emotions art journaling journey!  It has been amazing so far. Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. What a wonderful way to overcome fear through art. Amazing therapy. Good for you to take up the challenge and succeed in being what you dreamed.

  2. Good for these!! I bet they were empowering to get down on paper!! Just amazing!! I loveeeeeeeeeeee them!!!

  3. Such powerful projects! I love your story about becoming a nurse despite being advised against it. I like to hope that that advisor said you couldn't do it just to make you all the more motivated TO go for it. Otherwise, that's really sad.

  4. You should be very proud of yourself for not taking his bad advice to heart. You totally rock! Beautifully, wonderfully touching pages.

  5. What amazing pages showing your emotions. Congrats on being a nurse for 30 years. Your patients are so blessed to have had your care!! ~ Blessings, Tracey

  6. These are FABULOUS! I especially love the one about becoming a nurse..good on ya! I'm a nurse too and as you well know, there are so many different nurse personalities out there!! Cheers!

  7. Wonderfully pages of your Fears. It is so nice to follow the lesson at mixed emotions, thank you for all the lovely comments.
    Greetz Annie


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