Thursday, November 15, 2012

Two very special challenges to share!

The first challenge I want to share with you is a very special one taking place at 
The song for challenge #209 has a great story behind it. The song was submitted directly from the artist himself!!  He found Scrapping The Music by chance and the rest is history!

Here's his story:

Hi Music Scrappers,
My name is Dave Erdmann..I was finishing up my latest cd and needed some "artwork" for the sleeve.  I found a wonderful fiber artist artist named Sharon Wheat ...
I was mesmerized by her work and started digging a bit to find more.....Somehow a link called "Scrapping The Music"  popped up and while skimming the site I noticed a series of "challenges"  for the participants....Find some inspiration in music and throw that on a visual image..fascinating....Real people, real emotion and creation for the sake of the artistic process......

I am a songwriter and I am inspired by people that "Try Everyday"....  The inspiration for the attached video was the "saga" of America's most decorated alpine skier Bode Miller.  He has been up & down, criticized, judged....through it all, he has persevered.  He was deemed "washed up" and all but dismissed by his coaches, peers and the US ski federation.. Then last season he crushed the competition on Americas toughest downhill ski course The famed "Birds of Prey" in Colorado. 

Check out the video:

And if you would like to learn more, please go to  Transistor Radio's website here!

Without further ado, here is the layout that I created inspired by this wonderful song:

My journaling reads as follows:  "Anne struggles with reading.  She really does.  But I have to say, she always tried to do her best.  I admire her persistence and drive.  She has improved immensely this year because of her dedication."  The lyrics from this song really inspired me.  Just try everyday!
Thank you, Dave Erdman, for the wonderful inspiration this week!!!!!

And the second layout I would like to share with you is inspired by
 Heather Landry's Sketch #28!

Isn't it awesome?  To find out more about it and Heather, and to see what the rest of the design team came up with for Sketch #28, check out her blog at Miracles Momma Designs here!

My layout:

As most of you know, I have been taking a photography class for the past 8 weeks.  This photo was the "sun flare" lesson!  I took it in our back yard because my models were all busy that week - Katie up at Penn State, and Anne with her karate lessons after school.  She is getting ready to get her belt promotion - her ORANGE belt!  YAY!

Thanks so much for stopping by and visiting my blog today.  I really appreciate your visit!
Enjoy your Thursday, everyone!


  1. Saw STM this AM... sooooooooooo cool!!!! I love love love love love your lo's!!! GORGEOUS colors and loveeeeeeeeeeee all the pennants on the second one!!!

  2. Your LO's are beautiful! I love that the artist submitted his own song - your interpretation is wonderful!

  3. Love, love your layouts! What a great story with the artist! So funny how these things go round!

  4. Wow, two gorgeous pages!! Your DD photos are so sweet and what an amazing fall photo to scrap!! ~ Blessings, Tracey

  5. Great job with the photo Sharon. Love the pensive photos of Annie.

  6. oh Sharon isn't the STM challenge soooo completely cool?! I love the concept and your layout!!! so proud of kids that care about their schoolwork! Go Anne!

    happy Friday! I hope you have a GREAT weekend!!!

  7. I love that Try Everyday layout. It's really gorgeous!!! I think it's so neat that the artist submitted his own song to the Scrapping The Music blog. Very cool!

    I appreciate all of your hard work on my design team. You are so amazing!! I really love the photo. Your photography is so great. I wish we could take a class together. You definitely inspire me.

  8. I love your layout for Try Everyday! It's so beautiful and a great interpretation of the lyrics! and your fall layout - and the photo - GORGEOUS!!! WOW!

  9. love both your projects. great job on both the sketch and the lyric challenge.

  10. Hi Sharon,
    I was thrilled to see you stopped by my blog today. Thanks so much for coming by to say hello. I LOVE LOVE my Project Life so much and appreciate the kind words you said about it. Thanks for following my blog too, will follow yours now also.

    I have known Michelle just over a year and am always so inspired by her music layout from the challenges. I've wanted to start a music journal for sometime now but keep putting it off and not sure where to start. Let's hope it will happen though and I will share it with you. It really is amazing what songs/music can do for people. One of my daughter's is a great singer and has sung since she was tiny and it still moves me 15 years later when I hear her.
    So glad I got to see your GORGEOUS AND STUNNING fall photo and layout. WOW is that ever an amazing shot you got. Love IT!! Taking pictures of the sun and trees is my next favorite thing to do. I just did some art jouranl pages on one is on a fall tree, I LOOOOOVE FALL TOO!!
    I peeked at your next post and enjoyed the pictures from the NUN play. What fun that must have been, can't believe all the shots you got. I can never get many at my daughter's play.
    Thanks again for the visit!

  11. Sorry I forgot to mentin the TRY EVERYDAY layout. How sweet this was and she will love reading that when she's older. It is great when kids keep trying, makes them proud of themselves!!


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