Monday, January 9, 2012

Happy one year anniversary to "that girl fritchey!"

I can't believe that I have had my blog up for 1 year!  It is amazing how fast time flies.  I really want to thank all of my friends and family, AND my blog and scrappy friends who have become followers!  You all mean the world to me, and your support has been such an inspiration!

Here are two layouts that I made this past weekend:

We took down our Christmas tree and decorations yesterday, and we were all feeling a bit sad after that.  So in order to cheer us up, I made a layout about Christmas day.  I used my basic grey "Jovial" papers because I loved the festive, warm colors.

The second layout I made was about the gifts that keep on giving throughout the coming year:

I used a picture from one of my catalogs for the basis of my "Giving Tree,"  then embellished it with the words that are the
gifts that keep on giving in our home throughout the coming year!  The photo was taken after church on Christmas Eve.
Once again, thank you all for your wonderful support. 

And . . . to thank you even more, I am going to send a RAK to one of my followers - I will chose a random winner from whoever comments here within the next week, then send my "gift" to you the following week.



  1. Wowwwwwwwwwwwwwww! These are GORGEOUS! I loveeeeeeeeeeee the ornaments on the first one...and that tree on the second one is STUNNING!! loveeeeeeeeeee them!!! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. Lovely layouts! Happy Birthday to your blog!
    It`s so nice! I have to wait still two months:)

  3. WHOO HOOO!!! Way to go Sharon! And of course, I love everything you've done!!! Here's a toast to another great year!!!: .)

  4. Happy blog anniversary! How exciting. I love the new LOs!

  5. Happy Blog Anniversary, Sharon! Beautiful layouts!

  6. Happy Blogiversary! Love both photos and the blue background on the later!

  7. Woo Hoo! A year already! You have done such a fantastic job with your blog! I always enjoy coming here! Love your LOs. My tree is still up and will be until later this week. Hugs! ~ Becky

  8. Happy Anniversary! Time sure does fly- and I think it goes faster the older we get!
    Love the reds in the first LO, and also the hanging ornaments.
    I think the b/w pic is perfect for second LO because it lets that fab tree get all the color!

  9. Wonderful Christmas pages!! And I go to finish taking down the hoo!!

  10. Huge congrats on your one year anniversary Sharon! That's fantastic! I'm looking forward to following you for many more.

  11. Happy blogaversary, Sharon. That first year is a great milestone. Beautiful layouts.


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