Monday, November 7, 2022

A Happy Day . . . for Challlenge YOUrself!


Hi everyone. It's November 7th and time for a new challenge at Challenge YOUrself!

Here's Challenge YOUrself #107:

This month's theme is to use your own handwritten journaling! And to remember to include a photo with YOU in the frame!

Here is the page that I made for the challenge:

I started by creating my own mixed media background and picked a favorite photo that I love from Mother's Day this year to feature.  It was a labor of love!!

I hope you get a chance to check out Challenge YOUrself this month. Making this page was a so much fun, and I know you will enjoy it, too!

And thank YOU for stopping by my blog today.  Enjoy your November!


  1. A beautiful layout with such a special photo in the centre!! I think the balloons look so happy too.. i hope you are keeping well...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. It WAS such a happy day. Spectacular layout! (sorry about the last deletion, i made grammatical errors)


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